State Library of Victoria, H32492/1330
Putting together this history has involved the contributions of many. Our thanks go to those who shared their stories and memories with us during interviews: Faye Chandley, Father Anthony Guelen, John (Jack) Kelly, John Kelly, Sister Joan Kennedy, Tom Lindeman, Moira Phyland, Rosemary Tesoriero and Greg White.
Together, Greg White and Tony Dalton have driven this project with enthusiasm and dedication. They have spent time reading drafts, providing feedback, answering questions and hunting for material. Without their commitment this history would not have been written.
Researching the history of a school founded in 1912 has not been an easy task. Original sources are limited, but we are fortunate to have had access to the 75 year history of the school written by local resident George Thompson 25 years ago. This has been very helpful and, together with accounts by various students, teachers and Presentation Sisters, has informed a large part of the story.
We are grateful to the Presentations Sisters of Victoria and archivist Sister Diana Gabel for providing access to their archival collection, to Maria Evans at St Mary’s Parish and to Faye Chandley and Rosemary Tesoriero for kindly supplying material from their personal collections.
Our thanks are extended to Lynda Patullo at Green Poles Design, whose creative skills transformed our manuscript into a beautiful book, to Lisa Mayo at Sauced Out for creating this wonderful website, and to our colleagues at Way Back When, Sarah Rood and Lucy Bracey, who read and commented on the history and helped create the audio documentaries.
Katherine Sheedy and Fiona Poulton
Way Back When Consulting Historians
List of sources used in compiling the history of St Mary's Primary School.
Books, studies and reports
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1933, 1947, 1954, 1961
City of Greater Dandenong Heritage Study, 1999/2000
Greg Dickson, A Parish Carved from the Bush: the centenary history of the Dandenong Parish (St Mary’s) 1883-1983, St Mary’s Centenary Committee, 1983
Kathleen Dunlop Kane, Adventures in Faith: the Presentation Sisters in Victoria, The Congregation of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Melbourne, 1974
Rosemary Gleeson (ed.), Reminiscences: Presentation Sisters Victoria, Presentation Sisters Victoria, St Kilda, 2007
Sister Mary Kavanagh, ‘The educational work of the Presentation Sisters in Victoria 1873–1960, Masters Thesis, University of Melbourne, 1965
George E Thompson, St Mary’s Primary School: 1912-1987, Dandenong, c. 1987
Newspaper articles and newsletters
‘Council Will Advise On Education: Roman Catholic Move to Survey Problems’, The Age, 24 July 1964, p. 5
St John’s Regional College Newsletter, Issue 6, 10 May 2012
‘St. Mary’s R.C. School, Dandenong’, South Bourke and Mornington Journal, 19 December 1912, p. 2
‘St. Mary’s School, Dandenong’, South Bourke and Mornington Journal, 24 December 1914, p. 3
‘St Mary’s Catholic Church Dandenong: 125 Years: Jubilee 1883–2008’, Parish News, vol. 51, December 2008
Online sources
Peter Annett, ‘The Australian Schools Commission and School Funding’, Theodore Fink Memorial Seminar in Australian Education, 3 September 2010, www.whitlam.org/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/164265/Peter_Annett.pdf
Catholic Education Commission of Victoria, ‘Funding of Catholic Schools: An Historical Overview’, http://web.cecv.catholic.edu.au/structures/funding.htm
St Mary’s Catholic Church Dandenong, www.stmarysdandenong.org
St Mary’s Primary School Dandenong, www.smdandenong.catholic.edu.au
The Presentation Sisters of Australia and PNG, www.pbvm.org.au
The Presentation Sisters of Victoria Archives
‘The Dandenong Foundation’, unsigned account of the founding of the Presentation Sisters Convent, Dandenong
Sarah Carroll, ‘Our Alma Mater’, 1973
Len Keating, ‘Some memories of one of the early pupils’, 1973
James McCarter, 1973
Sister Josepha Shine, ‘The Thunder Storm’
St Mary’s Primary School Archives
Annual Report to the School Community
Department of Education, Victoria, Inspector’s Report Books, 1914–1971
Documents relating to school events and enrolments
Notes on interview with Sister Macnise, undated record
Parish News
Sister Ann Halpin, ‘Memories of St Mary’s School – mid 70s’
Timeline of the Presentation Sisters in Dandenong
Undated account by Mary Clark
Personal archival collections of Faye Chandley and Rosemary Tesoriero
Oral history interviews
Faye Chandley, 1 May 2012
Father Anthony Guelen, 18 April 2012
John (Jack) Kelly, 26 April 2012
John Kelly, 26 April 2012
Sister Joan Kennedy, 16 April 2012
Tom Lindeman, 9 May 2012
Moira Phyland (née Kelly), 26 April 2012
Rosemary Tesoriero, 3 May 2012
Greg White, 26 April 2012